Thursday, 13 November 2008

Virgin Post

My first attempt to blog was mentally materialized. I had an idea on how its going to be, though.
I, then took a bigger step few months later, inpired by god knows what/who, I founded myself a blog(I don't even remember the name of that old blog), but stared blankly when it comes to beautifying it. Alt+F4. Shut down.

Third attempt, I wanted to bail, yet again. No, actually not really. This time I was sure it's going to happen. Why? because the circumstances has changed. Its been two months now since I came to Manchester to do my nerdegree - Accounting & finance. 1st month was busy, getting things done and settled, time crawled like cow dragging the paddy. 2nd month was less hectic, I could use the time to blog, I thought, a new pastime.
Marcus guided me on putting up CBOX, nicky helped design my banner, it was sailing through. Here it is, a breakthrough, my virgin post. *Pat on the back*

Tomorrow(friday) is the day i dislike attending lectures and classes. 3 hours back-to-back, 2 hours of which I have to endure Mr. John keenan and his extremely annoying irish accent, which sounds like he's mocking Goofy from Disney since the day he was born. Doesn't seem like he's going to stop anytime soon. At least goofy is smiley, Mr Keenan is plain miserable.
You want prove? I'll give you proof in my next post. I'm bringin' a camera to class tomorrow.

I might be braggin' a lil', but I swear to you I was frowning the whole time for the first two of his lectures, till my forehead wrinkled. I'm sure it wasn't there before. Then I thought, i'll have to live with it for the whole year, might as well try to accept it. What I did was simply; imitate that bailey's irish creamy coffee accent. After every sentence of his, I would mutter silently to myself exactly what he said, the way he said it. It went on for about 10 mins until I realise i've lacked behind, too engrossed with his words that I didn't get its meaning, so I started scribbling notes from the person beside me. Before I know it, I was listening to him intently minus the usual difficulty and agitation. I have successfully fine-tuned myself to his lecture. We speak the same language now (^^,) Cheers mate.

The past two months has been great, no doubt. I'm cool being away from home, not the type that goes into depression (I think?). But there was at least more than several times had I stop at my tracks and thought about my beloved back in Malaysia.

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Food

Hey look, it's tripple F.